An efficient skew detection algorithm was proposed for complex document image containing figure or form contents. 针对扫描背景不定且含有图表信息的复杂文本图像,提出了一种有效的倾斜检测方法。
Application of skew flying scaffold for a slip form construction 斜拉式悬挑支模在滑模施工中的应用
When we get image from scanner or digital camera, the image is often skew, so skew detection and skew correction of images for text documents and form documents is the first step for optical character recognition and form analysis. 由于在用扫描仪和数字照相机获得表格文档时,倾斜总是难免的,因此表格图像的倾斜探测和矫正是表格图像分析的第一步,也是表格分析及以后各项识别工作准确性的保证。
Skew Detection for Form Document Using Vertex-chain-code 利用顶点链编码探测表格图像斜率
Accordingly, skew detection and skew correction of images for text documents and form documents is the first step for form recognition and image analysis and the precondition of layout analysis, word pick-up and OCR of the form as well. 因此,表格倾斜矫正是表格识别和图像分析的第一步,也是表格版面结构分析,表格文字提取和表格OCR的前提和基础。
It is focus on document image skew recognition, form layout understanding and Chinese font recognition ( OFR). 着重对文档图像的倾斜估计、表格文档图像的版面理解进行了研究。
Because of the adoption of the arc slot board and skew web, this section form make the the anti-buckling capacity of boom structure greatly increased, the force more reasonable and the weight of whole crane lighter. 这种截面形式由于圆弧下槽板与斜腹板的采用,使得伸缩臂结构抗屈曲能力大为增加,受力更加合理,整机重量更轻。